Payment schedule

Research Support Fund grants, including Incremental Project Grants and allocations for research security, are paid to eligible institutions according to the following payment schedule:

Grant value Payment schedule
Less than $100,000 One payment: October
$100,000 to $499,999 Biannual payments: July and October
$500,000 to $999,999 Quarterly payments: JulyFootnote *, October and January
$1 million or more Monthly payments: JulyFootnote * to March
Footnote *

July payments capture any payments scheduled in advance of this date in the same fiscal year.

Return to first footnote * referrer

Obligations and suspension or termination

Your institution must spend its funds during the fiscal year in which they were awarded. It must also use funds for the purposes for which they were awarded and in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the program (see the Research Support Fund Financial Administration Guide) and your institution.

The steering committee reserves the right to suspend or terminate a grant if an institution no longer meets the eligibility or reporting criteria. It also reserves the right to recover funds paid out if an institution no longer fulfills the required eligibility criteria, or if the funds were paid on the basis of fraudulent or inaccurate information.